Rupanya game Diablo akan disambung ke siri yang ke-3, Diablo 3..nampak sangat aku ni bukan fanatik game kan, berita panas camni pon gua tahu lambat...tapi suma game aku layan...tambah2 kalu ada cheat..hahaa.....back to our main story, Diablo ni kira legend la dalam arena game..memang dinanti-nanti peminat diseluruh dunia..tgk saja la masa pelancaran Diablo 2 dulu..beratur panjang beb diorang nak beli game ni..kalu kat penang ni x kisah..maklumla industri cetak rompak kat sini kan meriah..pelancaran ari ni, kemarin dan ada kat kedai...memang sempoi..
Screenshot dan pengenalan character baru dalam game ni memang gempak. Gua main Diablo 2 dulu pakai Paladin ja..yang lain gua tak minat.
Turut diperkenalkan di laman web Blizzard ni ialah peta dan kawasan baru, thriller game (komputer aku tak leh play la plak movie dia, hampeh tul) dan wallpaper yang
Ini plak komen dari web
maxfreak tentang perbezaan Diablo 2 ngan Diablo 3:
1) More color, less darkness
According to lead producer, Keith Lee, Diablo 3 is going to feature more outdoor environments with a lot more colors. Instead of pleasing the core audience though, this move has so outraged gamers that they started an online petition. They want good, old darkness back and the colors out the door!
2) Less monsters, more varied killing
Jay Wilson, lead designer on Diablo 3, states that instead of hack-and-slash through throngs of monster, Diablo 3 players will have to focus on killing fewer but tougher monsters. Things like positioning, skills, and so on will have a greater effect than they did in
Diablo 2.
For example, the Berserker monster has a charged up attack that deals massive damage. If you dodge the attack though, the Berserker is left vulnerable. Similar fate awaits the Skeletal Shieldbearers when they drop their shields.
3) Epic heroes, class quests
According to Jay, the new
Diablo 3 characters will be more badass than ever before. Judging by the demo, it seems likely that there could be fewer characters but with a lot less overlap than say WoW. Class-specific quests, armor, etc are also in the works.
4) COOP play - large-scale, harder battles Judging by the demo, it could take four or more characters to kill a boss in Diablo 3. I hope these bosses can be defeated by a single player too (same as
Diablo 2 ubers). The coop play will be through - it’s not 100% clear whether that will be free (same as
Diablo 2).
5) No more potions, less downtime
In order to speed up the game, the designers have removed the massive belts full of potions. Instead, each monster has a chance to drop a red sphere that replenishes health. That means that you can go into combat even when wounded and get healed that way.
Bila tarikh akan berada di pasaran..tak pulak aku jumpa..apapon, for fanatic, lunatic and mad gamers, this is the time we are waiting for...when the legend continous...more info, screenshot, pic and thriller at